Monday, December 10, 2007

Villadoria Piemonte Brachetto (2005)

To start, I would not recommend chugging this wine from the bottle while spinning. Bubbles and all. I'm sure you understand.

This is my own personal stand-by, being easily procured at the local liquorist for well under $20. This bottle I am currently swigging from only ran an affordable $12.99, but I believe it was on sale. It is a mildly sweet red wine with just hint of bitterness. It is only 6.5% boozle by volume, so it is pretty easy to drink in a large quantity, assuming one is not overcome by its bubbly nature.

This wine comes from the Southern region of Piemonte, which is quite possibly a good thing. Perhaps there is a wine snob somewhere who knows. After they tell me I'll give them quite a pummeling.

I would go deeper into the tasting notes, but it doesn't really matter so much. In fact, the flavor is really easy to summarize- grape juice.

I know this shocks and surprises you that wine will taste like grape juice, but there it is. There are no amazing other flavors in it. That little bitch from the Welch's commercials couldn't tell the difference if it weren't for the bubbles.

Its a great substitute for juice, cola, or cool-aid. I expect it will be all the rage at children's parties next season.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gunslinger - Where did you buy this wine - Piemonte Brachetto Villadoria?